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Life Events

Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals

The journey of life confronts us with highs and lows, celebrations and sadnesses. There is no one better to turn to than the God who became one of us and walked with us in it all.

We are glad, at Cole Street, to be able to support families and friends in the community at times of joy and indeed sorrow. Upon such occasions, anyone is able to turn to Cole Street as a place to hold a special service. Here is some information about these service which we hope you find helpful:

Baptisms (also referred to as Christenings)

There is nothing we love more than a Baptism service as another person begins their journey with God. If you would like your child or children baptised at Cole Street, or are a young person who is looking for Baptism, please Contact us. These services usually take place on a Sunday as part of the morning service or occur immediately after the morning service. There is no charge for this service, although donations are gratefully accepted towards the funds of, and the work of, Cole Street.



As part of the Methodist Connexion, Cole Street Church recognises the importance and holy nature of marriage and celebrates when a couple choose to commit their matrimony in the sight of God. We are pleased to extend that invitation to individuals who may have been previously married. For the 2024/25 period, the cost of a wedding service is available upon request. Typically, costs would include a fee for the Church, Minister, Pianist (if required) and Steward. Cole Street Church does not have bells or a choir for such occasions.

Multimedia projection can also be included with your package. 

Weddings usually take place on a Saturday, however, other dates can also be accommodated.

Marriage blessings are also carried out at Cole Street.

For more information, please Contact us.


When the journey is finished, Cole Street Church seeks to work with the bereaved in order to remember the individual who has died. For the 2024/25 period, the cost of a funeral service is available upon request. Typically, cost will include a fee for the Church, Minister, Pianist (if required) and Steward. Multimedia projection can also be added. For more information, please Contact us directly or contact your chosen Funeral Director who, in the first instance, will contact our minister on your behalf.

For services which take place at a crematorium, a Memorial Service can be arranged in church.


Reviewed and updated: January 2023

*Please note that for the use of projection or playback of media, 7 days' notification must be given with items received no less than 3 days prior to the service. Cole Street is able to playback from: any device with a 'headphone jack', CD, SD card or Flash Drive/Memory Stick. Cole Street is also able to offer playback web-streaming services by prior arrangement. Cole Street subscribes to CCLI and has all available copyright licenses. The necessary permission relating to copyright must be obtained if this is not covered under our Church Copyright License.

In conjunction with the Methodist Church Social Media Policy and Safeguarding Policy
© Cole Street Methodist Church | 2016-2025
Cole Street Methodist Church | Darby End | Netherton | Dudley | West Midlands | UK | DY2 9PA

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