website updated: 16.02.25
Visiting Groups
We are proud to work closely with our local community in the Dudley & Netherton area and relish the fact that we are in a position to help our community by letting our premises for their use.
Below are our current partners who hire Cole Street to run external groups for the community.
If you would like to know more about these events please use the contact details below:
Slimming World 9:15am, 10:30am (contact Bexie on 07848 685961)
Slimming World 5:30pm & 7:00pm (contact Amanda on 07862 274058)
Body Combat class 7:00pm - contact Cally
CHAOS (Cradley Heath Amateur Operatic Society) - various times through the year
Zumba Style Exercise class for all ages and abilities 10:30am - contact Suzanne Richardson (zumba.com)
Legs, Bums & Tums Exercise class 7:00pm - contact Cally
Local Councillors' Surgery 10:30am (Last Saturday of each month exc. August & December)