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Our Mission Statement

The calling of the church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in church and in the following ways:

  • through worship, increasing the awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love,

  • through learning and caring to help people grow as Christians,

  • through service by being a good neighbour to people and to challenge injustice,

  • and through evangelism by making more followers of God.

We also seek to support the other churches within the Dudley & Netherton Circuit and seek to manage our financial and material resources in a responsible manner, ensuring the fabric of the building is appropriately maintained to afford a safe place in the heart of our community. 

We seek to ensure a warm and sincere welcome to new individuals attending church and to provide an environment in which we achieve active Christian worship. Daily, we strive to demonstrate the love of God by forging closer and continued links with the local community and by working collaboratively with other denominations to proclaim the good news of God, our Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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