website updated:15.09.24
Meet the Team
Use the contact us page if you wish to send a message to one of the post holders below, or use the alternative contact information where provided.
Cole Street Methodist Church updated 22.10.23 ver 1.12
Cole Street, Netherton, Dudley, West Midlands, DY2 9PA
website: email:
Church Copyright Licence No: 260980
Rev. David Alford Tel: 01384 869010 Mobile: 07913 062176
Church Stewards & *Associate Church Steward
Mr. G. Moss, Mrs. G. Waters, Mrs. W. Goodwin, Mrs. H. Kiteley, *Mr. D. Moss
Church Council Minutes Secretary
Mrs. G. Waters
Church Treasurers
Mrs. E. Ralph, Mrs. S. Holyoake
Property Secretary
Mr. D. Moss
Property & Finance Committee Stewards
Mrs. S. Holyoake, Mrs. E. Ralph, Mr. B. Drew, Mr. G. Moss, Mrs. W. Goodwin, Mrs. S. Jewkes, Mr. T. Jewkes, Mr. G Faulkner, Mrs. R. Faulkner, Mrs. G. Waters, Mr. P. Smith
Notices Secretary
Mr. D. Moss
Order of Service / Church Rotas Secretary
Mrs. W. Goodwin
Door Stewards
Mr. T. Jewkes, Mr. M. Cotterill, Mrs. R. Faulkner
Mission Secretary & Treasurer
Mrs. W. Goodwin
Pastoral Secretary
Mrs. J. Dunning
Cole Street Safeguarding Officer
Ms Chelsie Priest
Communion Stewards
Mrs. H. Kiteley, Ms. E. Lewis, Mrs. J. Sheppard
Toddler Group Secretary
Mrs. S. Holyoake
Holiday Club Secretary
Mrs. S. Holyoake, Mrs. W. Goodwin
Sunday School Staff / Holiday Club Staff / Youth Leaders & Activators
Mrs. W. Goodwin, Mrs. S. Holyoake, Mrs. J. Dunning, Mrs. E. Ralph, Mr. D. Moss, Mrs. R. Moss, Ms. Chelsie Priest
Health & Safety Advisors
Mr. D. Moss, Mr. G. Moss
Audio/Visual Support
Mr. D. Moss, Mr. P. Smith
Website (Webmaster) / Social Media
Mr. D. Moss
Estates & Cleaning Team
Mr. D. Moss, Mr. T. Jewkes, Mr. G. Moss, Mr. B. Drew, Mr. P. Smith, Mr. G. Faulkner, Mrs. R. Faulkner, Mrs. J. Dunning, Mrs. H. Kiteley, Mrs. J. Sheppard, Mrs. S. Jewkes, Mrs. G. Waters.